What just happened?

If only I knew!!!

Akhila Ashok Kumar
3 min readOct 4, 2020

People inherit a whole range of features from their ancestors. Taking into account immaterial possessions, my grandpa has beautiful grey eyes which he didn’t pass on. Not even to me who craved for all things weird. But he did give me one thing.

The nightmares.

Since I understand the side-effects of the fantastic unearthly getaways, I am the first to run to wake him, when he usually screams. Or howls, some rare cases.

Years ago, grandpa was my storyteller, my brave horror movie companion when I HAD to watch it till the end but had zero courage. He would be my pillar, letting me grasp my cold and tiny fingers tight around his arm, until the very end. (Feet up the couch, of course, I am grown enough to know the horror movie precautions people!)

With that said, coming to the present, after having spent a productive day proudly ticking off things on my to-do list, except for one- studying, I felt my obsessive nature take over. I succumbed to that healthy craving and opened my books when everybody else at home had already hit the bed.

Well, three pages and barely a chapter in, the lights flickered. No joke, you can ask my mom because I called out to her the third time it happened. The first time, I switched on my flashlight and determined to continue studying, boldly battling electricity.

By the 4th or 5th time it happened, I was tucked in bed, safe and sound laughing at how creepy things get when I finally decide to study, for a change, for once. I had no heart to sit up straight to meditate (thanks to my thoughts), I would have goosebumps on my back if I did, I was sure. So, sleep it is.

And then it happened.

Grandpa gave out a shrill cry, mom heard it first and said: "It's him". I ran to his room, woke him up and felt sad looking at his horror-stricken face. Grandma was fast and sweet asleep. Once grandpa settled, the silliest yet horrifying thought crossed my mind.

Could it be possible that something was moving about the house?

Too much of fiction and movies, I know.
But care to explain how I only have nightmares in just one room of the house?! Never mind.

I went to bed again feeling guilty about one thing that might have disturbed grandpa. I told him a sort-of-horror story during our tea-time chat today, and it must have put him on the edge. How age gets to people!

Everything would have been merry however if it had ended there, but it didn't.

It happened again three times, though the third time it was short and he stopped before I could manage to run. And then in another few hours of stillness, I finally fell asleep.

With all of that said and done, I am still brave enough (just enough) to read and watch thrillers & Stephen King, sometimes at night.

The other world never ceases to amaze me and I must say, I haven’t had enough to just wish for it to stop.

So there, with more such experiences in life and more relevant blog posts to come, off I go- with an open mind, open heart, but the doors sealed shut (you know, just in case😉)



Akhila Ashok Kumar

I read to fill my senses with magic, and I write so I don’t choke on the enchantments in my heart.